How can I better my Menstrual Cycle?

Have you ever felt like there were always issues during your menstrual cycles?

I know what it feels like when it seems like every single time my menstrual came on, I became very moody or sometimes depressed. Sometimes I would even eat much more food or just very extreme menstrual cramps. Sometimes even the period blood would be a darker color, especially after having IUD. Though after having the IUD for at least 2 years the cycles would last 3 days and within a couple of years my periods lasted from between 5-7 days (which is symptoms of heading towards a cysts or tumor). After learning of how the long your menstrual cycles are supposed to be, which should only be 3 days, MAX, no excessive bleeding, it led me on a journey of finding out how to take better care of my sacred space.

Finding ways to be more relaxed during my menstrual cycles had become an obsession for me because I didn’t innerstand how could menstrual cycles be so burdensome. I started studying herbal healing in full totality and then I learned of an ancient practice called Yoni steaming. So, with my herbal knowledge I decided to use the herbs that were beneficial for the womb area to use in my yoni steams. I stayed consistent, started out doing my steams once every month and as my body adjusted to this new form of healing, I would steam anytime the moon would be in certain cycles.

If you deal with some unusual menstrual cycle symptoms and you would like to find out how Yoni/Vaginal steaming can be very beneficial for you to reduce those symptoms, keep reading as we dive into Yoni Steam University. lol

What is Yoni steaming?

Yoni steams are an ancient holistic vaginal heal that take place when you are seated above a steaming bowl of hot water with allowance to gentle exposure to the pelvic region. There are normally herbs added to this bowl of hot water to help assist with the healing process.

This Holistic form of healing, the steam/ heat from the Yoni steam acts as a “ballon”, widens your blood vessels, which increases circulation within the vaginal canal, uterus and cervix as well as your uterine blood vessels which is connected to your sacred womb area. This extra circulation allows for more healing, vitality and allows for any extra built-up mucus or dried up(dark) blood to be released; to flow out of the vaginal canal.

Benefits of Yoni/Vaginal steaming

Steaming can help repair and cleanse both the internal and external cells of the vagina, resulting in reducing or eliminating clogged ducts, ingrown hairs or any other related issues. Because the steam reaches far within the vagina canal, the uterus and even the uterus cavity, this is a very useful alternative healing tool skipping modern day surgery or pap smear tools, which can be extremely uncomfortable.

Yoni/Vaginal steaming is a very good alternative healing mechanism because the Herbs releases an oil through the steam and this oil permeates the tissues and cells and blood vessels within your vagina and your blood vessels are connected with the circulatory systems allowing for even more healing and transformation. As the oils from the steam are released within your system this allows the oils to travel up to your pituitary gland which regulates the Endocrine System (Reproductive Organs).

What are some reasons to steam?

If you experience heavy menstrual bleeding, irregularities, dark blood, blood clots or even PMS, then looking into yoni steaming as an alternative healing approach could prove very beneficial. Steaming can also be used to clear up infections such has yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis and even VD (venereal diseases).

If you are having trouble conceiving this can be a great alternative to healing which would allow for soft yet effective healing to your sensitive vagina and reproductive organs. Steaming will prove to be very effective during post-partum labor as well as it will help strengthen and tighten the vaginal canal. This will also alleviate the strength and discomfort of contractions.

During menopause, the steam can help assist in the regulation of hormones which is the cause of menopause discomforts. Steaming is also very beneficial for releasing built up trauma within the sacral chakra. This trauma may be sitting and building up since youth and even past down trauma from ancestors, previous generations. There are many other reasons to why you should consider Yoni/Vaginal steaming, but we’ll get into this at a later date.

Setting up your steam

Remember, when you are choosing your steam set-up choose what feels authentic and natural for you!!

If you are going to steam on your own, remember to boil your water first and then add the herbs. It is best, in my opinion, to either purchase a yoni steam stand or yoni steam seat for pacing over the toilet (remember to avoid plastic) and steam that way. Another way that you can steam is to have your bowl in-between your legs with you kneeling clamping the bowl (with a towel circling the bowl to prevent burning your legs), this method can be very uncomfortable in my opinion. You would kneel over the bowl until you are done.

And remember to be safe, that water can be very hot!!!

Using Yoni steams are a form of relaxation

As you do your yoni steam surround yourself with beauty, maybe some soft music that will relax you. An exercise that you can do while you steam is to journal. The reasons I suggest to journal is because as you are steaming you are releasing built up emotions and trauma from the womb and so whatever comes up as you are steaming write it down and this will bring about an even transformational change.

Have fun with your steam and get creative maybe soak your feet at the same time, igniting an even more relaxing feeling.

Herbs to use

Each person is different and based on where you are on your womb healing journey or any complications that you may have will require different herbal blending, which is why 1 on 1 communication with someone knowledgeable in the areas of herbal healing would be beneficial.

This site ( offers Yoni steams, selling the blends for the steam as well as 1 on 1 consultations, if you aren’t in their area.

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