
Reiki is used to heal the mind, body and spirit. Through the channeling of life force INNER-CHI with Unveiled Authenticity we used this life force inner-chi to reunite the trinity of the mind, body and spirit. Through this journey we are assisting “YOU” to return to your “HOME”. Time to bust free from that confinement you had yourself limited to. BE FREE!

Reiki Sessions

              Why should you choose us for your Reiki session?

Not only does our reiki practitioner have that life force energy radiating through their hands, but this practitioner also has the ability to feel the energy that is sitting stagnant within your energy field, your meridians and releases those blocked energy pathways while also cleansing the body of toxins and create a space of balance. Our Practitioner sets up the reiki sessions in a space that is familiar and calming to them, so they may be at ease while being the conductor for the reiki session and an advocate within the spiritual realm given you the most needed energy upgrade that your mind, body, soul and spirit can withstand at the current space and time period that your vibrational energy is residing in. 

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