Ignite your Fountain
of Youth

Our team of dedicated & dependable experts are welcoming you for holistic yoni healing. We have the experience and results-driven technique and mindset that you need by your side.

Complimentary emergence with your pearly gates

This FREE vibey emergence with your wombspace is about 30 mins in length and conducted via phone call. Our conversation is private and allows full disclosure and honest communication in regard to allowing your pearly gates to speak to you through us. Privacy of any and all communication is valued and respected as you will be heard and honored for where you are. In addition to you being informed on what your womb may be trying to express to you via any discomforts or the amount of bleeding that occurs during menstruation, we will be getting to know one another and the vibes will be through the roof, ensuring that we are a good fit for you and your self-initiated journey of self-revelation, self-identity, self-honoring, and self-knowledge. You can expect to have any questions and concerns answered while also feeling reassured that you have a community right by your side, and the initial steps that may be given to you moving forward will enlighten your path to creating generational wealth through womb blooming. We anticipate and foresee a journey where you feel amazing to live a life where you feel exuberated.


This is a single session. We will peel back the layers of soul ties and bondage from intermingling sexual energies

*One steam
*Menstrual analysis
*Womb anatomy Education
*PDF Womb aligning exercises
*Hormone balancing lifestyle advice
*Activities to recycle sexual energy and removing energetic cords


This is a 6-month Package. She Glows is exactly as the title states. You will feel like the most radiant and blossomed version of you. Your feminine essence will thank you!! This package has everything YONI PRUNE has plus more!

*3 steams a month
*1 15-minute tarot reading from your womb chakra
*Menstrual analysis
*Womb anatomy Education
*PDF Womb aligning exercises
*Hormone balance lifestyle
*self-awareness through cycle *synching and tracking
*8 IN-Person Wombbloom dance classes
*5 Ovarian Breathing sessions
*2 reiki sessions


Are you and your sisters coming together for an evening of self-love? Are y’all on a path of enlightenment together and looking to elevate side by side one another? Look no further. We can also travel to you for your yoni steam goddess party!!! Yes. I said it. Weee will travel to yooou!!! Tell us the location, date and time and we will do the rest. 

What does the package include?

1 Yoni steam per goddess (45 min)

Womb dance 

Ovarian Breathing session

Womb tea 

Journal activity 

Waist bead creation (1 Per goddess) 

Womb clearing activities

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